Sunday, April 22, 2007

Successful Fundraiser

Well the Howie Family fundraiser was a complete success. I have to say the group of people that put this on were very organized, and put on the most successful fundraiser we have ever seen or been a part of. It was a sold out show, the amount of items donated for the auction were incredible. We are still waiting to hear numbers but their guestimate at the end of the night was around $35,000.00. We are truly happy about that as the family this money was raised for is incredibly loved by our community.
Next gig we are playing is at Merville Hall on May 5th. And after that, the next public gig will be in Pt. Hardy at the Relay for Life on June 16th. Hope to see alot of you there!
We got an email from Pete Montana the other day, he was the morning show host on Jetfm with Roo Phelps, who we also keep in touch with. Pete is now starting a sister station to the Jet in Grand Prairie, AB. He announced to us that he added "Walk Away" right away to their rotation which makes us very happy. That's it, Peace Out!
RIP Natalia Hutchins :(

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