Thursday, November 13, 2008

Valley Boys Calendar Launch Party with Mr. Completely

Well here is your chance to get your Mr. C. fix if you missed seeing them perform at the Eagles Hall for Halloween. The boys from Mr. Completely posed for this years Valley Boys 2009 Calendar which is a fundraiser for the homeless. A launch party for the calendar is slated for Saturday November 29 at Merville Hall with Jamie's son DJ Neon Steve as the opening act. All net proceeds from ticket sales as well as calendar sales will be donated to Dawn to Dawn Action Against Homelessness Society. At this time of year, there are so many charities that need extra help. Why not have a great time helping out others. Who knows where any of us will be with the economy in the drink and so many people losing their jobs. If you can help by coming out and having a great time, then everybody wins!
Check out poster here for more details or visit
Bus available for pick up and drop off in several locations. Bus provided by ...

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

New Truth

Ok, now this is it. We are working on a new website and instead of having a news page, we will put all updated information here. We have been neglecting the blog and are sorry but will try to make an effort to keep you informed with what is going on here.
Richard and Jeannie are expecting another baby this spring and we are all very happy for them. It will be baby Completely #4 as Rod and Cheri just had baby Completely #3 last May.
We just had an awesome Halloween gig at the New Eagles Hall on October 25th. Combining efforts with Sweet Tease Bursleque Troop, I think that everyone was entertained thoroughly and fed a nice dinner of Chicken Cordon Bleu, all for $25. It was sold out 2 weeks in advance so remember that for New Years which we will be playing at over in Powell River. Halloween was also a fundraiser for BC Children's hospital. We had some great gigs this summer and are getting close to the Christmas party season. We have already booked a few weekends so if you want Mr. C. for your Christmas party, better book soon. It looks like we will probably be doing a fundraiser for the homeless at Merville Hall on November 29th promoting the Valley Boys calendar that all of Mr. Completely posed for (shirtless) Great Christmas gifts! Anyway, we will post again soon with more details about Nov. 29 and New Years Eve. Over and out!

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